Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Climb the wall at Maine Bound (List 1, # 26)

After dragging a crabby and protesting Zac outside, we proceeded to make our way through the blizzard while singing snow songs.  Eventually we arrived at our destination, and started climbing.  We then discovered all of the different angles in which you can take a butt shot.  Then after not climbing and instead, tying knots for about half an hour we decided to head back home through the winter wonderland.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

District 9 (List 2: #126)

I'm not usually a big fan of alien movies at all, but this one was very well done. Still not one of my favorite movies ever, but probably good enough to make it on the list. I guess what I got out of this movie was that if we were ever invaded by aliens we should willingly invite them into our homes and be the best of friends with them. Not sure if I'll take that advice.

"When dealing with aliens, try to be polite, but firm. And always remember that a smile is cheaper than a bullet."

- Zac

I second Zac's statement that I'm not real big on alien movies, however, I'm not even sure I would consider this an alien movie.  Yes it has aliens in it, but it is focused on how we treat them.  Not on how horrible they are, but instead on how horrible we are.  It is a good concept, and an interesting was of portraying it.

"He was an honest man, and he didn't deserve any of what happened to him."


The Green Mile (List 2: #84)

So its been awhile since we actually watched this, but it was a great movie. I'm actually surprised it's not higher up the list. I originally expected it to be a lot more similar to Shawshank than it was, but this movie shows the prison story from the guards perspective and also has a slightly more surreal theme than Shawshank does. They both have there own benefits and drawbacks. I think The Green Mile did a better job at leaving me with something to think about than Shawshank Redemption did, but Shawshank is more connectible for more people I think, which is probably why it's number 1.

"Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time? Can you understand?"

- Zac

The only reason that I can think of as to why this movie is not higher up on the list would be because it has a tiny bit of a fantasy element to it.  I agree with Zac about why the Shawshank Redemption is higher up than The Green Mile, but I liked The Green Mile more.  Both movies have a lot in common, but the reason that I liked The Green Mile more was because I felt liked it moved quicker and that there was always something happening; whereas in the Shawsank Redemption I didn't get that feeling until the end.

"This is a shocking experience!"


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Full Metal Jacket (List 2: #85)

Movies on recent wars turned out to be a topic of conversation after dinner. Why are there so few movies that deal with war during war? Why doesn't someone make a movie on the situation in the Middle East? The only answer we could fathom is that it would be to politically unfavorable. Anyway, when the time came to procrastinate and make progress on the list, we naturally decided to choose a war on the Vietnam war. Big mistake. Full Metal Jacket was split into two completely separate parts with very little connecting the parts. It left me confused and waiting for the big dramatic connecting moment. Watch it only if you're desperate for a war movie, and even then I would suggest re-watching Saving Private Ryan.

"The dead only know one thing: it's better to be alive."


I completely agree with Zac, and would only add that both halves had the potential to have their own good plots, but when put together all they accomplish is completely confusing anyone who is watching it.

"I'm in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid."


Free Massage at Cutler (List 1 # 55)

Well luckily our second attempt at a "stress free finals" event was more successful than our first. We easily found the free 5-minute massages located in the Coe room. I would say this was one of the more awkward things to ask for a picture of, but definitely worth it.  We are both hoping we win the raffle for the full hour massage that we entered in.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Zac and Megan's Adventures

So we've recently decided to expand this blog to also include interesting encounters that we have. So here goes: Since this is finals week, the University is offering something called "stress free finals" where they offer fun breaks from stressful studying. Today, they were offering free ice cream in the Union from 2-4 and Megan and I decided to go get some. We tried to encourage other friends to get ice cream with us but to no avail, we were the only fatties in the group. Once we got to the Union we realized we had no idea where this free ice cream was located, and proceeded to wander around for about 10 minutes looking for it. Our searches found us wandering aimlessly around hallways, up and down all three floors multiple times, staring blankly into many meetings, and even interrupting a private Christmas party all in search of ice cream. Finally, we accepted that we were going to have to buy our own free ice cream. Upon buying the ice cream we realized the comments our friends would have to our buying free ice cream. So we did the natural thing and made a cover up story: "They ran out of free ice cream so they bought us Ben and Jerry's." It worked. Now the question is, which of our friends is our most loyal blog follower and will comment first?

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Princess Bride (List 2: #186)

The Princess Bride. Everyone's favorite love story. If I said anything negative about this one I probably wouldn't have a girlfriend for much longer. This movie is unique in that it's a love story that contains an appropriate amount of fantasy, love and action, and it's not so fantastical that it's considered a child's movie, but still has many qualities of a Disney movie that appeal to the child inside each of us. Someone mentioned earlier this week that it's also a satire on excessive European government. Interesting idea. Anyway, great movie, if you haven't seen it you should.

"Farm boy...fetch me that pitcher."
"As you wish."

- Zac

So the reason that Zac can't say anything bad about this movie is because he is in wuv, and wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... 

Why are you smiling?
Because I know something you don't know.
And what is that?
I... am not left-handed. 

Oh, there's something I ought to tell you.
Tell me.
I'm not left-handed either. 
