Sunday, December 12, 2010

Heres the plan

At midnight the day before Zac and Megan's first college final, the decision was that their time would be much better spent by making a blog than studying.  The goal is to complete two lists that  have recently been an interest of theirs.  From here on out the two lists will be addressed as List 1 and List 2.

List 1: 101 Things to Do Before You Graduate from UMaine; we are planning on getting photo documentation of all of the 101 things.  We have already completed some of the items on this list, and will be uploading the pictures soon.

List 2: Top 250 movies of all time; for this we are planning on watching all of the 250 movies from the list as of December 12, 2010.  Even though we have seen about 40 of them, we have decided to start from scratch, so we can blog our reactions to every movie.

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